There are three menus at Diced: your food menu, your drink menu, and a menu full of board games. The money you spend to use a board game is all donated to charity.

Here is the food menu. It is split into four sections and features boardgame illustrations in the middle. The menu opens up into a big square to be reminiscent of classic boardgames.

All of the mixed drinks are named after characters from the board game Clue. They are each illustrated and live on this double sided drink menu card.

Here is the game menu. It features the logos of popular boardgames on the left. On the right, there is a section for classic games like chess or hearts. Below that is an explanation of the board game pricing and the charitable giving that is crucial to Diced's story.

I also designed some playing cards as a way to further extend the brand into the space. They feature fun branded moments such as the face cards which are made up of classic board game characters, and the ace cards, which have each been Diced in the same way that the logo is treated.