The Lunchmeet logo is about unity. A sandwich is a hallmark of lunches across the world, and it is where two pieces of bread come together to make something that is both memorable and greater than the sum of its parts. Inspired by the sandwich, we wanted this app to allow all kinds of people to come together and unite in meaningful interactions.

This is the promotional video for the Lunchmeet that we created using a live prototype of our app.

This is the incredible team that worked on this project. Evy was in charge of the app prototyping, I was in charge of using Sketch to build all of the app screens, and also directed and edited the pitch video, Ally did all of the wireframing and the structure map, and Sydney was in charge of ironing out the business details, and also helped with the skin designs. All of us worked together for concepting, primary and secondary research, and user testing.

During our interview of nearly 200 people from our target demographic, we found that they eat at the same restaurants and new restaurants almost equally, with a skew toward trying new things. We also saw that the fast majority of our interviewees reported positive interactions with strangers, and said that they would like to interact with strangers more.

We used wireframing extensively to make sure we were utilizing space well and to make sure the functionality of the interface was solid without being distracted by the glamor of the branding. Simple black and white thumbnailing keeps us focused on the user experience, so that when we advance to designing the actual screens, we know we are designing screens that function.

Here are some of the hero screens from the app. We included a section of ice breakers in case meeting with strangers gets a little uncomfortable. There is a map that allows you to find new friends or new restaurants, a messaging interface, and a profile that lists stats about you and all of your favorite places to grab lunch.

In addition to the design work we did to get this app started, we also researched the feasibility of actually creating it. We considered everything from developers and investors, to our business model and the competition in our market. All of this information was synthesized into a one-pager that we could give to potential investors in order to pitch the Lunchmeet ideals. 

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